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Both the cement plant and the paper mill are major employers as well as important manufacturing facilities. It is not CAAN’s aim to shut them down, but for them to significantly reduce the amount and toxicity of pollutants that they release into the air and other media. Members of CAAN’s Pollution Watchdog Group are currently gathering information on Lehigh and Finch and studying opportunities for sustainable production and pollution prevention. Wheelabrator does not serve nearly the same purpose as these other companies, and we are invested in shutting them down completely.

Sterigenics- Medical sterilization facility could be the cause of elevated cancer risk in Warren and Washington County. 

Propublica recently updated their "(T)he Most Detailed Map of Cancer-Causing Industrial Air Pollution in the U.S." after a 5 year analysis of EPA modeling.  According to the model, emissions from the Kingsbury plant,  Stregenics adds an excess lifetime cancer risk by 1 in 6,800. Emissions from nearby facilities add an estimated 1 in 6,800 excess lifetime cancer risk here  the risk of cancer by  1 in 6,800.

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